
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I love the beginning of a new year, mainly because it holds lots of promise for awesome things to happen.  2011 had some downs, but mostly ups.  I always try to start of the new year with some goals that I want to work towards, but usually, by February, they are already forgotten!  I think this is because I make some of them not possible to achieve in the time period that I give myself, so I get frustrated and give up.  This year will be different, and I wanted to create goals that I know I can achieve by the end of the year.  So, without further ado, here are my goals for 2012:

1. Be better about budgeting/saving-  We usually go over on budget items like food and buying random things.  I have a huge weakness for the miscellaneous crap at the dollar spot in Target.  I'm trying to be better about staying away from Target :).  I am also trying to meal plan every week and plan around what's on sale that week at Publix.

2. Try at least 1 new recipe a week- See above, we really don't eat out that often, but when we do,  it's usually around $50 bucks, so it can add up quickly. I am trying to be more conscious about the things I put in my body, so I want to learn how to make healthy but delicious meals that my husband and I will both enjoy.

3. Eat out less often-  See 1 & 2.  I would like to go back to making eating out a special treat instead of just an option when we are too lazy to cook.

4. Continue to work out 3-5 times a week-  I restarted Crossfit back in June, and I'm so glad I did!  I feel much better physically and mentally then I did when I was just going to the YMCA to run.  I would like to continue working out at least 3 times a week for 2012.

5. Go on a spending freeze on clothing/make up/splurge items- I looked at what I had spent on these items in 2011 (thank you and I was flabbergasted.  For 2012, I am only going to buy products that I need to replace what I have used (face wash, shampoo, etc).  I am going to try and not buy any new clothes/shoes this year.  I am very blessed and need NOTHING in that department.  The only exception I'm going to make is if a staple (black heels for work) get worn out and need replacing.

6. Shop my closet and get more creative with my outfit selection- See #5, I need to be better about not wearing the same 20 items in my closet and I need to actually plan my outfits.  I find when I do that the night before, I'm much less stressed when I get ready in the morning & I tend to like what I'm wearing a lot better.

7. Blog more and continue my 101 in 1001 journey- I am so excited to continue blogging and marking things off of my list!

I am very happy to start working on these goals, and I think 2012 may be the best year yet!

P.S.- Here's a photo of my family on Christmas (minus my hubby, who was the photographer)

I hope everyone has a blessed and safe new year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Viva Las Vegas


So, I recently took a trip with my husband, brother, and dad to celebrate my brother's 21st birthday (his birthday was in August, so we're only 4 months late!).  I celebrated my 21st birthday in Vegas a few years ago, and was very excited to go back and help my brother celebrate.  I was very excited to pick up some cute sparkly tops to wear in Vegas, until I looked at the weather report and realized that it was going to be in the 50's.  So I nixed the cute tops and opted for warmth!  We basically just relaxed and did some gambling.  We also ate some great food, did a tour of the strip, and Fremont street.  Here are some pics highlighting our vacation:

The view from our room, there's the Bellagio!

My brother and I inside Caesar's Palace (does Caesar live here?!?!)

My brother loves posing for photos :)

My brother and hubby in front of the fountains at Caesars

We saw Mystere!  I highly recommend this show.

Me and my love in the Venetian

Eating in the Paris

Me and my dad in front of the Paris

The beautiful tree inside the Bellagio

The lion in front of the MGM

The lights of Fremont Street

Josh in front of the famous Golden Nugget

Josh and I's favorite casino.  We made it rain in nickels!

Overall, it was a great trip.  We are already looking forward to going back in a couple of years!

Until next time,


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Starting Over.

So, I started this blog with the best intentions.  I was going to write an entry at least 2 times a week and work furiously on crossing things off of my 101 in 1001 list.  One of those things was to have a baby.  I wasn't sure if I was ready, I guess I was waiting for God to magically send me a sign saying, "Hey!  Now you're ready!  Get on it!", but that never really happened.  I don't know if you are really sure that you're ready for such a life changing event but, Josh and I decided to just go with it, and see what happens.  That was in March, and in April I found out I was pregnant.  I was in shock, so much so, that I called my husband, who was having the worst night of his life at work.  Here's a synopsis of our conversation:

Me: OMG, I took a test, and it was POSITIVE!
Josh: What test?
Me: A pregnancy test!
Josh: Oh.  Really? Ok.
Me: Uh, yeah.

As you can probably tell, I wasn't entirely thrilled by his response, but in fairness, it was probably something I should have waited to tell him in person.  Luckily, he redeemed himself the next morning by bringing me flowers and card. :) I think we were both really surprised that it had happened so quickly, and we were scared shitless to think that we were having a kid, but still happy.  I had all of the pregnancy symptoms, but the nausea was the worst!  Zofran was my best friend, and I love my OB-GYN for giving it to me.

I had my first appointment at 7 1/2 weeks, and had my first ultrasound.  We were very excited to see a heartbeat, but the MD wanted me to come back in a week because the baby was measuring a little early. We didn't really think anything of it, and went off to Key West to celebrate our 5 year anniversary.  We had a great time in Key West and went back to the doctor to make sure everything was progressing.

Unfortunately, when we had the second ultrasound, they couldn't find a heartbeat.  I was devastated.  Having been in the medical field basically my entire life, I knew that miscarriage was extremely common.  I had witnessed it firsthand multiple times working in the ED, and knew that there was a chance that it could happen.  Because of this, I tried very hard not to get too excited, until we saw the heartbeat.  Then I allowed myself to get excited.  I had that one week, one glorious week, that I allowed myself to be excited about the baby.

I ended up having to have a D&C because my body still thought I was pregnant. This was probably a blessing in disguise, because I didn't have to deal with the "reality" of having a miscarriage, and all of the things associated with it.  I went into the hospital pregnant, and when I left, I wasn't.

Looking back, I realize now that I definitely was in a funk.  I have to thank God, my husband and family, and my crossfit family for helping me come out of my funk.  I realize now that you can't be afraid to try something again, just because you failed the first time.  My due date would have been this Monday, December 19th.  So, tonight, I think of what could have been, and although I am sad,  I am looking forward to see what the future brings, kids or not.  In essence, I'm "starting over", but this time, I will not let fear hold me back from living my life.  I'm excited to start checking things off my list again!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

1st Goal Done!

So, one week in and I've was able to cross my first goal off my list!  I attended the SHEA (Society for Healthcare Epidemiology in America) conference last weekend in Dallas.   I think that professional development in any career is really important, but I feel it's especially important in the healthcare industry, because things are constantly changing.  These conferences are great because it allows your to learn the most up to date evidence based practices, and see what other facilities around the country are doing.  
I had a great time in Dallas! I stayed at a very nice hotel and had some great food.  I took a "taxi" (aka private car) to the West Village that ended up costing me $40 bucks, where I had a great time walking around. I also spent time catching up on my junk reading and eating lots of junior mints :).  Here are some pictures from my wonderful weekend:

 The beautiful hotel atrium

West Village in Dallas- super cute!

The exhibit hall at the SHEA ASM

Hopefully at the next conference, I'll have some research to present! 


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Starting something new

So, I'm not sure how you start off writing these things.  All of the blogs I follow have been around for a while, and I'm too lazy to read back to their beginning posts.  The whole idea behind this blog came from my dear friends, Laura and Ashley, who have or have recently started their own blogs.  Laura started hers with the specific purpose of documenting her Day Zero project.  What is Day Zero?  Read up on it here, but basically, it's a list of 101 things you want to do in 1,001 days.  After hearing what the Day Zero project was, I really wanted to do my own.  I toyed with the idea of starting a blog to document my adventures and accomplishments, and as you can see I gave in.  However, I think I want my blog to be a little more then that.  I want it to be a peak into all of the things I'm interested in and like to do.  I want to expand my horizons, and try things I wouldn't normally try.  I think this blog will allow (force) me to do so.  I've posted my Day Zero list on the page titled, "Day Zero", check it out and let me know what you think!

Until next time,
